My family and I, we like to eat. And though I haven't made the best food choices over the past few months, I do like to be able to eat healthily even though I am on a tight budget. Here are some of my top things I do to save on my groceries.
1. Beans can be yummy! You don't need to be a vegetarian to enjoy beans. Mix some black beans with salsa and rice, top with some cheese, and enjoy!
2. Buy dried beans over canned. I sometimes buy canned beans, but usually buy dry beans. I cook the whole bag in my crockpot at once, then put them in freezer bags in smaller servings. Then when I need some, I just grab a bag from the freezer!
3. Make meat the addition, not the main course. Add meat to soups and stews, stir fries and casseroles to make it go further.
4. Make your own convenience foods. I've made my own jam, taco seasoning, granola, yogurt, pancakes and so much more!
5. Grow a garden. Nothing tastes better than a fresh tomato from the garden!
6. Cut out the cereal. My family LOVES cereal. But it is expensive. To appease them, I will buy one box of cereal on sale. Once it is gone, we eat oatmeal, eggs, or pancakes until we grocery shop.
7. Buy discounted meat. Okay, before you get all grossed out, hear me out on this one. Meat is usually discounted because it is going to expire in a day or so. Once you put the meat in the freezer, it will keep for a long time. As long as you either cook it the day you purchase it or put it in the freezer it is fine. Obviously, don't buy anything that looks questionable.
8. Menu plan. How many times have you stopped at the grocery store on the way home, or the drive-thru because you had no plan for dinner? Having a plan will avoid these unexpected trips.
9. Shop the flyers. Plan your menu around what is on sale that week. And don't forget to price match!
10. Don't shop while hungry. Oh man, everything looks so delicious when you are hungry! You will end up spending more than you planned. Eat before you shop.
How do you save money on your grocery bill?
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