Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Finally, a post!

Our trip so far has been amazing!!  We have been having a blast.  Of course, it is not without roadbumps, such as Sam having to put up the tent trailer in a thunderstorm, or us being unable to find a campground to bunk down for a night so we ended up at a hotel (okay, not going to lie, that was a comfy night....;)) but all in all, it has been so much fun!

This is us at the top of Dorset Scenic lookout!

Us with my "little" brother in Winnipeg.

We have seen such amazing beauty!!!  God's creation is all around us.  I could write a book about it, but i don't have much time so I will just leave you with these pictures for now.  Right now we are working at a Bible Camp for a few weeks and then we are not quite sure what we are doing.  We had originally planned on working at an organic farm but Sam hurt his back and is unable to do any heavy lifting or manual labour for a little while, so we may need to change our plans as most work on the farm requires a strong back!  He is doing better, but still needs to take it easy.  We are considering going to BC to see the sights since we are already half way there and don't know when we will get a chance to do something like this next, so we might as well do it now!

Anyways, we hope you are all having a great Summer and are missing all our close friends.  Thanks for all your prayers!!!

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