Sunday, September 30, 2012

Welcome to 31 Days of Healthier Grub!!!!

I am SO excited for tomorrow!!  Tomorrow marks the first day of my series:

Why healthier grub?  Because the saying "you are what you eat" is actually quite true.  That when we put junk into our bodies, frankly, we feel like junk.  We are bombarded with a plethora of symptoms from bad eating which range from fatigue, headaches, migraines, colds, brain fog, etc.  And how do I know this? Because I'm the worst one to fall into a pattern of reaching for the pastries and chocolate.

So, to start off the series, I am making a pledge to you, and inviting you in on a challenge.  Starting tomorrow, and for the rest of the month, I will be avoiding all refined sugars. I will reduce my intake of caffeine, and I will actively avoid greasy and all around bad foods for my body.

Do you know that sugar is in just about EVERYTHING???  Here's a few things I found around my house that contain sugar:

-Spaghetti Sauce
-Applesauce (only when you accidentally buy the "Sweetened" version. Oops!)

So, what about you?  Do you want to join in on the challenge?  Can you live 31 days without sugar, even with Halloween around the corner?  Don't be too discouraged by this post, because I never said we would avoid foods that are sweet.  There are so many other sweeteners that are natural and better for our bodies, that we can consume and not feel that sugar rush followed by the sugar low.  We'll talk more about that in the days to come.

Each day I will come back to this post and add a link to the current day I am writing about.

Thanks so much for coming along on this adventure with me! :)

Day 1:  You don't need sugar to be sweet

Day 2:  Drink and be Merry!

Day 3:  Smoothies

Day 4:  Breakfast, the most important meal of the day

Day 5:  The Healthy foods that Aren't

Day 6:  Thanksgiving

Day 7:  Cheating...

Day 8:  Healthy and Frugal possible?

Day 9:  How to Make Kefir

Day 10:  Getting Kids to Eat Healthy

Day 11:  How to Make Healthy Earth Balls


  1. Hello! I'm also doing a 31 day series: 31 Days to Building a Cleaning Routine.

    I'm excited to read yours. I have started following your blog by email! Good luck!

    Betsy @ Romance on a

  2. 31 Days to building a cleaning routine - I will definitely have to come by and follow your blog. I need all the help I can get when it comes to cleaning around here. Thanks for coming by!

  3. I need this! I am also doing a 31 day series...From House to Home. Added you to my faves, good luck!

    Lindsey @ Countryside Chic

  4. Thanks, Lindsey! I'll have to check out your blog! Thanks for stopping by!!
