It's been so long since I've blogged. And while I have been away from posting, I've spent time reflecting on why I have not been here.
Truth is, I love blogging. I love to sit here and write out my thoughts. I love to talk about food, and life, and God, and family. I love that I can come here and just be "me". My own little place on the internet. But, the other side of the coin is that I am a busy mom with three children. And they are growing up so fast. They demand a lot out of me right now, but soon enough they won't want to be with their mom all the time. So I want to enjoy this time as much as I can. I don't think when I get older I will ever say "I wish I spent more time on the internet" but I may say "I wish I spent more time with my family."
What I've noticed since having three kids is that I am SO much busier than before. Trying to homeschool, and nurse, and create memories, but alongside that it's also a balance of trying to make sure I focus on my marriage, and try and bond with friends somewhere in there. Oh, and don't forget to squeeze in some sleep every once in a while! ;)
So, the bottom line is,I won't be here that often. Not because it's not great, but right now there is something greater requiring my attention. I will be writing here whenever it works. No schedule, no plan, just a fun place to type up my ramblings whenever I feel like it. Which I guess is the reason I started blogging anyways!